New-Tech™ Horizontal Sash/Door Hood Picture (8 of 18) |
Horizontal Sash Fume Hood Picture HH-08 (#8-156)
- Additional Front View of a New-Tech Custom
Horizontal Sash Fume Hood shown in picture HH-07.
- This Custom Horizontal Sash Fume Hood is designed with Horizontally Sliding doors with a heavy
duty stainless steel recessed track that was cut into the concrete floor on site to be flush with
the existing floor. (Picture shown with all the doors open).
- This Custom Horizontal Sash Fume Hood is designed as a Constant Flow Hood and includes a Stainless
Steel By-Pass Grill on the face of the hood to allow the by-pass airflow to be adjusted during the room balancing.
- This Custom Horizontal Sash Fume Hood includes a Custom Ceiling Enclosure Panel for the front and right end of the hood.